The Giggling Guinea Pig name came about through an interesting little story. It started out as a nickname, and then grew into what I consider to be a metaphor for my life’s journey and path to this blog, my workshops and my coaching. 

I owe the name The Giggling Guinea Pig in part, to my ex-husband. He gave me the nickname “guinea pig” when we were dating. He said that because of my big brown eyes and my auburn hair (I had auburn hair at the time), I looked like a little guinea pig. That nickname stuck. Followed by a super awesome photo that my then-husband put into his phone as my identity photo, which he found endearing and hilarious, while I found it to be funny but yet still somehow rude. My son, Braeden, also thought it was hilarious and joined in the fun of calling me “guinea pig.” Hilarity all around.

Fast forward to 2018, as I am starting down this new path, the “giggling guinea pig” took on a new and very profound meaning. It now means that I feel my journey has led me to this place of being in love with my life and wanting to share the lessons that I’ve learned. I have been my own guinea pig, learning through experiences and figuring how to get through difficult times, trying to come through it all with a smile on my face and joy in my heart! And a hell of a lot of jokes! Laughing is key. I am a comedian, after all.

I am so excited to begin to share my life and my stories with you! It is my hope that if you are reading this and you are going through something difficult…heartbreak, loss, devastation, divorce, job loss, confidence issues, addictions, body image issues, career issues or just not living up to your potential, then you will find some inspiration and guidance on how to turn everything around and get to living your best life! Life is about exuding love and joy. I hope I can help you find both!


Hemp Tacos? Guess what…they’re delicious!
