Grounding is such an important part of daily life for me, and my hope is that you will learn more about the simple practice of grounding and find it to be a very beneficial and FUN practice to incorporate into your daily routine. There are so many amazing ways to "ground" yourself and I highly recommend researching this topic and the different ways in which you can practice this fun experience so that you can pick a few options that speak to you. A few of my favorite ways that I like to ground myself are:

Photo by Akil Mazumder from Pexels

  • Walking in nature. A simple, quiet walk in nature. This means no phone, no headphones / music, no distractions. Just you and the wonder of nature. This is a time that I like to think and connect with nature and my surroundings by really focusing in on everything that I see and having gratitude and appreciation for everything along my path. I focus on the blue sky, clouds, trees, beautiful fields, birds, butterflies, streams and rivers and anything else that I encounter. For me personally, this is a time that I express gratitude for all of the amazing things in my life. I thank my guides, my angels and the Universe. But you can pray and thank whoever or whatever you believe in, if that’s your thing. If it’s not, just be in the moment. It's very meditative, calming and really helps to clear my mind and also keeps me open to guidance and signs. Yes, I look for signs. I live for them.

  • Meditation. Meditation is one of the most grounding experiences we can have. I meditate everyday and I am very passionate about it. I strongly attribute meditation to my personal and spiritual growth and healing. Quieting your mind and shutting down your thoughts is profoundly healing on so many levels. I cannot say enough about it. Please read my recent blog post on meditating for tips and guidance.

  • Earthing. I love the simple and easy practice of earthing! If you aren't familiar with the practice of earthing, I highly suggest taking a few minutes to learn about the practice. There is nothing more soothing and grounding than the practice of earthing to feel super connected. It's so easy too! I like to take myself to the park, take off my shoes and socks and just plant my feet on the ground. Sometimes I just take a blanket, lay under the sky and plant my feet. Even just a few minutes of earthing is beneficial and leaves you feeling refreshed and calm. You can also stick your naked feet in dirt, a stream or on bare concrete for the same benefits. So easy, yet so effective. Sometimes I like to also do a guided or quiet meditation while I'm earthing to get even more benefits!

  • Bath time. Ahhhh yes. A nice, soothing, hot bath. Add some epsom salts for extra grounding. And while you're at it, add some essential oils too! I like lavender, lemon or basil oil. Soak your cares away for at least 15 minutes. Water is very grounding, so anytime you can spend near, in or on the water is going to be beneficial. Quiet your mind and relax. Feel free to play some relaxing music that soothes you, and light an all natural candle for ambiance. Another easy and fun way to stay grounded!

There are several different ways to ground yourself, these are just a few of my favorite and they are so easy to incorporate into your day and your schedule. Try them all!


Are You Thriving Where You Are Planted?
